How to become a 3D Designer

2 min readJan 3, 2023


There are several steps you can take - how to become a 3D designer:

  1. Acquire the necessary education: While a formal education is not always required to become a 3D designer, having a degree in computer graphics, fine art, or a related field can be helpful in developing the skills and knowledge needed for this career. Blockchain Council offers programs in 3D design certification that can provide you with the training you need to succeed in this field.

2. Learn 3D modeling and animation software: To work as a 3D designer, you will need to be proficient in a variety of 3D software programs. These may include Autodesk Maya, Blender, 3ds Max, or other similar software. You can learn 3d modeling certification and 3d animation courses through online tutorials or by earning a certification.

3. Build a portfolio: A strong portfolio is essential for demonstrating your skills and abilities to potential employers. As you work on projects, be sure to save your best work to showcase in your portfolio.

4. Network and gain experience: As you build your skills and portfolio, it can be helpful to network with other professionals in the industry and gain real-world experience. You may be able to find internships or entry-level positions at companies or studios that specialize in 3D design.

5. Stay up-to-date: The field of 3D design is constantly evolving, so it is important to stay current on the latest techniques and technologies. This may involve taking additional courses or training to update your skills or staying up-to-date with industry news and developments.




Hey, This is Pallav Raj an independentTechnology writer by Passion. Worked at Microsoft, Puma, Nike as a Copywriter and Content manager.